Connectopedia is an interactive atlas of human brain structures, vasculature and functions, using brain connectomics to assess functional pathways of the tasks performed by the brain.


Connectopedia is linked with the DPTOOLS package from version 6 and above, and is now distributed standalone, free of charge, for academic purposes only, under New BSD licensing.


Connectopedia was coded using C++ and Delphi, with OpenGL 2D and 3D reconstructions for volume rendering purposes (acknowledgments to Pr Chris Rorden, McCausland Center, University of South Carolina, for his MricroGL 3D Engine sources), and is compatible with NIFTI files. Connectopedia requieres Microsoft Windows Vista or Mac OSX 10.8 and above, from 50 MB to 2.5 GB of Hard Disk space (depending on the selected distribution) a minimum of 4 GB of RAM (8 recommended), and an OpenGl capable graphic card, but runs fine with discrete cards (e.g. Intel / nVidia / ATI). For further informations, please have a look at Chris Rorden notes website.


Connectopedia uses the 152 MNI T1 and Cortical Areas (116 areas) Atlas templates for 3D rendering of the structural brain. The 58 Fiber bundles were reconstructed from my own brain, using HARDI 60 directions, b value of 1500, 2 mm isotropic voxel size, and automatically generated and coregistered to the T1 MNI 152 template using DPTOOLS 6.1 and the MedInria 1.9 software suite. The 90 arterial and 54 venous referenced structures were set by manual segmentation on the T1 MNI 152 isotropic 1 mm3 template. Arterial and Venous 3D VR reconstructions were set on TOF and 3D Phase Contrast MR sequences and isotropically 1 mm3 coregistered to the T1 MNI template.


Connectopedia was created to provide to neuroscientists as well as students an easy way of learning, teaching or checking functional neuroanatomy, and is linked to DPTools v6 and above, which were used to study structural and functional connectomicswith real time reconstructions and assesment of the brain structural and functional connectoms.


Neuro-functional and Vasculature Knowledge Databases were set using Wikipedia, and some other references :

  1. Bases of Functional Neuroanatomy, Monica Baciu, de Boeck Editions, 2011
  2. Fiber Pathways of the Brain, Jeremy Schmahmann, Deepak Pandya, Oxford Editions, 2006
  3. Networks of the Brain, Olaf Sporns, MIT Press, 2011
  4. Atlas of Human Brain Connections, Marco Catani, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Oxford Editions, 2012
  5. Diagnostic Imaging Brain, Ann Osborn, Elsevier 2005
  6. Brain Vasculature, G. Lazorthe, Masson 1961


Version 2.2 and above have new Arteries, Veins, Grey and White Matter Labelled Templates,  enhanced Multithreaded Capabilities, improved 3D Rendering abilities, such as the « Virtual Dissection » and «Connectoms» views, new Graphical User Interface, enhanced White and Grey Matter reconstructions, a Knowledge DataBase either Online from this website, or Offline, based on the Connectopedia Explorer Knowledge DataBase, and new Sequencer window for Scripting and Brain Functions Analysis based on the RTConTrack Morphological and Connectomic Atlas of 408 Human Brain Functions.